Adult/Adolescent Psychotherapy

In individual therapy, Dr. Easterlin's goal is to develop an authentic, attuned therapy relationship through which she and you can together understand and develop your capacity to feel more at home with yourself and experience better relationships with your partner, children, parents, work colleagues.  Dr. Easterlin is especially interested in helping individuals free up their creativity and unique capacities with the goal of feeling a greater sense of meaning and ease.  She has a particular interest in working with high school seniors on the transition to college and with young adults who are having difficulty figuring out their next steps.  This can be an exciting time, but often is fraught with worries about independence, important choice points, and ambiguity about one's life path.  Dr. Easterlin has extensive experience in attachment based therapy models as well as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and mindfulness based therapy interventions, which are particularly useful for anxiety and mood issues.